Residential Solutions
Lysaght residential solutions are suitable for villas, houses, resorts and independent building units such as clubs, real estate sales offices and 4S shops.
Features of Lysaght solutions:
Represent a unique Australian architectural style, and achieve harmonization and coexistence with community environments;
Replace concrete structures and be used in the civil buildings less than three floors;
Pollution-free construction, recyclable materials and environmental protection;
Light weight, quick installation and short construction period;
Safe and durable;
Excellent thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

Lysaght offers one-stop solutions including trusses, battens, metal roof/wall systems, fascia systems, gutters, downpipes, lightweight internal partition walls, external decoration , etc. Most of Lysaght solutions are made of ZINCALUME® M steel/Clean COLORBOND® M steel brand raw materials from BlueScope. Moreover, according to your requirements, an optimal solution can be provided to meet individual demands.