LYSAGHT® building systems provide the solution for your building needs
LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB® is the famous Australian corrugated profile, equally at home with traditional and contemporary design. It is long, wide, strong, lightweight and economical. It can be aligned quickly and easily. Add up these features and you have a steel roof or wall cladding that simply offers outstanding value.
LYSAGHT CUSTOM BLUE ORB® is a gently curving shape. It is the classic Australian roof reflected in some of today's most adventurous and dramatic designs. The extra ductility of CUSTOM BLUE ORB® allows easy curving without distortion of its profile, and without damage to the finish. Full range of curving styles with different diameters makes design with more flexibility and freedom. It offers a beautiful expression of the architect's design. It's the perfect match to harmonize with traditional LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB® . It is the most favoured roof and wall steel cladding for architects.
LYSAGHT MC多肋® is an economical and attractive wall cladding widely used for exterior and interior walls of residential, commercial and industrial applications. It also can be used for ornamental surface with more contemporary colors.
SMARTCLAD® Open Joint Metal Wall System is a mature Wall System which originates in Europe in 1980s, and is one of most common systems that the architects and the builders will choose for its wall. The design of the system utilizes Rain Screen Principle and allows for a ventilated space behind the face panel, making the system weatherproof and long lasting. The principal components of the entire system include, but not necessarily limited to, face panel, supporting batten and connecting bracket. Each face panel is configured of sheet metal bent at four sides to create cassette style panel. Edges may be bent inwards or outwards, depending on the panel type and fixing methodology.
LYSAGHT MINI ORB® is an attractive, slightly corrugated wall cladding. It is suitable for exterior and interior walls on straight or curved surfaces, such as ceilings, partition, screens,partition facings,doors,fencing and small awnings.LYSAGHT MINI ORB® has the same figuration as LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB® on a much reduced scale. It can be used with the flutes horizontal or vertical which appears more architectural appearance. However LYSAGHT MINI ORB® is not recommended for roofing.
LYSAGHT PANELRIB® MAXIMA is an attractive, slightly fluted wall cladding. Its elegant appearance makes it suitable for exterior and interior walls and on straight or curved surfaces, making it suitable for many applications. The longitudinal flutes provide rigidity along the length of the sheet while retaining full flexibility across the width. However LYSAGHT PANELRIB® MAXIMA is not recommended for roofing.
LYSAGHT GOLDLINK® Wall system is a strong and rigid protective cladding system providing superior thermal and acoustic properties, better resistance to fire spread and beautiful appearance.
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® MAXIMA is our most cost effective roofing and walling profile. It is available in both convex and concave pre-curved sheets, to meet appealing architectural features.
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 925 is the most cost effective wall profile. It is neat and impressive with high quality and unique visual effect.
LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB® ACCENT is a large wave corrugated profile with smooth and natural shape. It can properly meet the aesthetic requirement of buildings with large volume.
LYSAGHT RIBWALL® is a high quality and most cost-effective walling profile with a strong and powerful appearance and great architectural effect.